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Rotunda Babies

This picture is a collection of real Rotunda babies. More than 4,000 babies were already born through Rotunda.

On this page you’ll find testimonials from Rotunda’s Waiting room Book.

We respect our patients’ privacy – the names and pictures are not put online unless they specifically gave their approval.

If you imagine it, you can achieve it. If you dream it, you can become it.

William Arthur Ward -

Video Testimonials

Carole’s Success Story

I’m 58… and having twins: Single ex-barrister spent years trying to have a baby and now she’s pregnant, thanks to donor sperm and eggs.

In her determination to have children, Carole travelled from the Home Counties to the Ukraine, back to London, to Cyprus, and finally to India where her fifth attempt at IVF proved successful.

The donor eggs came from a 24-year-old Indian woman, while the donor sperm came from a ­Scandinavian engineering graduate.

This is, by any reckoning, a truly astonishing story of modern motherhood — and one that raises profoundly troubling ethical questions about the extremes to which some women are willing to go in their bid to have children.

Read Carole’s success story on Mail Online

Testimonials from Rotunda's Waiting room Book

Over the years, we have collected a lot of ‘testimonials” for our services. We have maintained a Suggestion Book in the Waiting room and here are a few ‘testimonials' culled from the book!

Thank you for this wonderful blessing ma’am. We would not have been a complete family of it wasn’t due to your patience time and effort. Our daughter aaaaa and son bbbbb turned one yesterday and they are healthy and happy. Our celebrations would have been incomplete without sharing it with you. Thank you once again.

Patient of Rotunda

Dear Gautam da,

My wife Janki delivered a baby girl last evening, as membranes ruptured the delivery had to be done at 36 weeks. The baby is just 2.25 kg but all is fine and hope things go well. Though we have not been in much correspondence over the last few months, never for a moment did we forget the contribution of Rotunda towards the happiness.

We are enjoying today. I will be grateful for this life of course, if not the next. For what you have given us we will never forget Rotunda, we can never forget the beautiful gift that you have given us. We will most definitely drop in with the baby during the course of the first year of her life.

I cannot just say thank you as that is too less.

Regards and best wishes for Rotunda,


Mr. Pranoy

We are lost of words to express the gratitude towards you for your care and devotion given to Asha during her pre and post pregnancy period.

Thanks to the sincere effort from you for Asha and Ansh , today they both are home…

We personally would like to take this opportunity to thank you for everything you did for us during the time of stress.

Patient of Rotunda

We arrived at Rotunda feeling very apprehensive and uncertain. It felt as though we had traveled half way around the world without knowing what to expect of the clinic.

Dr. Gautam, What can I say- reassuring, professional and encouraging is only a start.

The clinic is not exactly what I had been expecting- my UK experience was always based in large hospitals- The clinic is obviously smaller however it has more of a family feel and the facilities and cleanliness standards are at least as good.

Now we are heading back to the UK filled with hope- if we do not succeed we will definitely be back again…

Patient from UK

To the entire staff at Rotunda:

We walked in here pretty suspicious and apprehensive of almost the entire medical fraternity. By the time this treatment has concluded, our perceptions have completely turned around: The attention, humaneness, openness and care devoted to us has been pretty overwhelming. Whatever happens from hereon, we are very glad to have been able to get an opportunity to go through this experience which, if nothing else, made us aware that dedication and commitment still exist in the world today. Keep up the good work!!! : )

Patient of Rotunda

The first day I have visited to your clinic and got full psychological support and best advice from Dr. Gautam Allahbadia and I hereby clarify that “Rotunda” staff team is really professional and full co-operative. We feel that we are at an palace since all your staffs are excellent.

Thanks very much Dr. Gautam and staff team. Wishing you all the best in future.

Mrs. SK

Dear Sisters and staff,

You all are a perfect team enjoying your work and are so kind to your patients. Thank you for the close care and concern.

Mrs. KL

Remarkable Hospital

The people are friendly. The most striking part was the honesty of the clinic which is a rarity in today’s medical world. We sincerely wish all the luck to the clinic and the new friends we made. Best Wishes and god bless you.

Mrs. & Mr. BB

After 10 years of trying at various clinics I finally conceived at Rotunda and I would like to thank all the staff for my successful treatment.

Mrs. PS

The doctors and staff of Rotunda are very good. Their treatment and care is exceptional.

Mrs. PG

We got twin babies at Rotunda after previous four failed IVF Cycles.We are thankful to Swati Mam and never forget Rotunda Clinic in our life.

Mrs. SC

I got twin babies a boy and a girl ,thanks to Rotunda doctors & staff.They were very kind and explained everything patiently.

Mrs. VP

After 10 years of marriage and all kinds of treatment I came to Rotunda and conceived in just 2 months.I would like to thank Dr Shivani, Dr Swati and the entire team who are very caring.

Mrs. RT

I would like to thank Swati Mam,Shivani Mam and all sisters for helping me.I got success in my first attempt. Thank you Rotunda.

Mrs. KK

I had my first baby 5 years ago with Rotunda and I have now conceived again with their treatment,everything is available here and the clinic is very nice.I have full faith that this clinic will a baby to ladies who want one.

Mrs. SW

Rotunda gave us successful treatment and a lot of happiness.And I am specially thankful to Dr Rupin Shah,Dr Swati and Anjali Madam.

Mrs. FK

Very good morning Dr,

Little bit we knew about you when we first met at ur clinic. We were worried, tired but hopeful about the positive future.

In few weeks time we started developing an unconditional trust about you, everything was going really well except the results we were waiting since very very long time.

The level of patience and understanding you imparted on us during the process was the only thing that kept us motivated.

And the day arised when I was called inside very first time, your words “The small blinking star is a heart of ur baby” will remain the most joyful words we heard, forever.

The challenges didn’t seemed to vanish there, we had COVID to deal with, then her BP issues and then the unavoidable premature delivery and frustrating Wadia n Surya NICU days. We were tensed and worried for obvious reasons but you made us feel comfortable even in those phases. Can’t forget to mention that you also helped us in financial aspects.

Today, exactly after 1 year when I remember all this, I barely find words to thank you for everything you did for us.

It’s a totally new world for us ever since we had welcome our baby. She is beautiful, charming and for me a greatest stress buster. My wife has redefined her, her confidence is back again, the way we see the world has suddenly changed. The faith n belief is back in us.

Yes, Dr Swati, our Lil pari Xxxxx has turned 1 today. We, Qqqqq and Wwwww take this opportunity on this glorious day to appreciate all your efforts towards our family.

Thank you madam.

Patient of Rotunda

We don’t think we can do justice to our feelings with words. We are absolutely thrilled on being successful in conceiving a child. We owe it to the greatly skilled and extremely supportive team here at ROTUNDA. I sincerely believe that you guys are doing Yeoman service to society. I am all praise for the high standards of professionalism here. Keep it up!

Patient of Rotunda

As once Martin Luther King, Jr. said….

” Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart.”

Today same way we are unable to express our gratitude in words…but surely enough this one comes from the heart… Thank you…

Patient of Rotunda

Since the very first time I have visited , I have never felt that I am meeting Doctor but always felt that he is our brother.

Infertility couple always needs psychological support from doctor and staff but we have got something more than this , that is love and affection from Rotunda. Can not express in words.

Best guidance, best treatment, personal attention and family feeling. What else we desire? No suggestions. Everything is just very nice as it should be.

We are sure that this is going to be best address in India for Infertility. We would like to say something more than Thank you to all of you. Rotunda group.

Patient of Rotunda

Dear Dr. Gautam,

Thank you so much for your kind attention, tender care and advise. I really appreciate your time and patience.( esp. answering all my repetitive questions) I’m walking away today , more relaxed and happy , besides being very well informed about myself and my body. Will stay in touch. Hope to see you when you are in NJ. USA. Thanks so very much. PS A RARE COMBINATION OF KNOWLEDGE, CLARITY AND HUMANENESS.

Patient of Rotunda

Dear Dr. Gautam and wonderful staff at Rotunda

We highly appreciate your kindness and concern towards us. You all are doing a wonderful job. We found everyone in Rotunda are very friendly and helpful. So many thanks to Dr. Gautam for all the encouragement and help. Wish you good luck! Hope to keep in touch.

Mr. & Mrs SP

The staff has been wonderful and the clinic is very clean. Also Bilkees and Vilasini were very wonderful. I would like to thank all the Rotunda staff who are very co-operative and understanding of the difficult times patients go thru.

Mrs. HG

To the entire staff of Rotunda,

You all have been very patient with an overimpatient person like me, this is a small gesture of letting you all know, that no matter what God has planned for me, your warmth and gentle way of dealing with me has given me hope in trying again. Always be like this and I’m sure you all will get a special joy within when you see a patient cry with joy after she has a child.

Once again thanks for giving me the gift of Moksh, Gautam had made something impossible into a reality with just a few words to me” trust in me you will have this child” I did so and I’m glad. Thank you each one of you.

Mr. & Mrs. BS

Hope you remember me. I was a patient of your clinic last year. I’m not living in Mumbai anymore, because of my job. But I wanted to show you the result of your treatment. Her name is Nuria and she was born last 4th January. She’s a beautiful and healthy baby, and I wanted to thank you and all the staff for making it possible.Best regards.

Mrs. ML

We are really thankful to the Rotunda team for helping us to get a baby through IVF.God Bless you all.

Mrs. PL

We underwent IVF and IVSI at many clinics but finally got success at Rotunda. We had almost given up hopes of having a baby but Rotunda doctors made it possible. Not to forget the staff who were also very supportive.

Mr. NK

My wife’s fibroid operation was done successfully. Rotunda has good team of Doctors and staff.

Mr. XD