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About Us

Welcome to “iwannagetpregnant.com” website, hosted by Rotunda – The Center for Human Reproduction and a place where you can learn more about the services and staff at Rotunda.

We know that facing infertility can be one of the most stressful situations you may encounter, emotionally, physically and sometimes financially. At Rotunda, we work hand-in-hand with you to make every phase of the process — from diagnosis to treatment– as predictable and comfortable as possible. Together we will map out a plan to determine the cause of your infertility and an appropriate course of action. Many problems can easily be corrected with medication or surgical procedures. For couples facing more difficult challenges, our ART program ranks amongst the best in the nation.

We know that when you visit an infertility clinic you may be worried about a procedure, a result, or your next step. Our staff is here to answer all your questions, offer support, and make any procedure as comfortable as possible. Our goal is to provide our patients with state-of-the-art medical care and an environment that fosters the best possible outcome.

While the information provided here is not a substitute for the professional medical advice provided by your physician, it is a place to start as you search for a solution to overcome the challenge of infertility. We encourage you to learn as much as you can, so you can make educated decisions about your options and find the support you need to get through this difficult and frustrating time in your life.

Let us know how we can be of assistance.